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Get Rid of Bedbugs Now

Metro Pest Control uses a four-step plan for the elimination of bedbugs. In fact, we established many of the protocols used to exterminate bed bugs, in use today by the pest control industry.

Bedbug Inspection

A thorough inspection of your home is performed. Bedbugs hide in mattresses, clothing, carpet, furniture, baseboards, picture frames, and many other places. Our experience with thousands of successful bedbug exterminations is crucial in the inspection process.

Bedbug Preparation Process

Bedbug extermination is a detailed process and thorough preparation is critical to a successful outcome. Your entire home or apartment must be thoroughly vacuumed. All of your bedding and clothing will need to be washed in hot water, dry cleaned, or thrown out. All of your furniture, shoes, cabinets, and more will require thorough vacuuming as well.

After being cleaned and or vacuumed, all items must be sealed in double plastic bags to prevent further infestation. Many of our clients rely on our meticulous bedbug preparation process but some choose to do it themselves.

Treatment Process

If you live in an apartment building, all perimeter walls will be treated, creating a chemical barrier that prevents the infestation from spreading. We use insecticides and special growth inhibitors that destroy all eggs, stop reproduction and kill any bedbugs. Virtually all of your furnishings, closets, baseboards, crevices and more, throughout your apartment or home, will be thoroughly treated, and follow-up service is provided to ensure a successful outcome.

Structural Modification

We will recommend structural changes that may be necessary to inhibit re-infestation. Such modifications may include sealing moldings, cracks in walls, baseboards, window frames, and other areas that may allow bedbugs to pass.

About Bedbugs

Almost anywhere people live can be infested by bedbugs.

Bedbugs feed mostly at night while you are sleeping. They hide in mattresses, blankets, furniture etc…usually in close proximity to their food source which could be people or their pets.

Bedbugs were very common a hundred years ago but disappeared for several decades. Over the past two decades, bedbugs have made a comeback. There is much speculation over the reasons for this resurgence. The bottom line is if you have a bedbug infestation you need an expert bedbug exterminator fast.

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How Do Bedbugs Spread?

Bedbugs are prolific breeders. A mature bedbug produces around 30 eggs per week. It takes the offspring about 30 days to mature and the cycle repeats. On average bedbugs live anywhere from 12 to 18 months and they can go a year without feeding. The fact that they reproduce so quickly and if necessary, can go long periods of time without feeding, makes them very difficult to control.

Bedbugs are also notorious hitchhikers. They often gain access to your home or apartment by latching on to your clothes or crawling into your luggage during your travels. Be careful not to bring these critters home from your office, movie theaters, hotels, and more.

If you think you have bedbugs, call us for an inspection. We are expert bedbug exterminators. Call now for service or fill out a service request form.

Areas we serve

Bed Bugs Removal Brooklyn | Bed Bugs Removal NYC | Bed Bugs Removal Nassau County | Bed Bugs Removal Queens County | Bed Bugs Removal Manhattan | Bed Bugs Removal Bronx | Bed Bugs Removal Jamaica

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